Growth rate: lv2~60: 20%
Ancient Egg: N206
Health 1700 Knockback times 1 Speed 5
Production cost 180 Production cooldown 2.0s Attack cooldown 14.67s
Attack cycle ? Attack duration ? Push duration ?
DPS ? Single range 100 Damage 34
Trigger duration 1.07s Trigger effects
Cinnabar Egg: N206
Health 1700 Knockback times 1 Speed 5
Production cost 180 Production cooldown 2.0s Attack cooldown 14.67s
Attack cycle ? Attack duration ? Push duration ?
DPS ? Single range 100 Damage 34
Trigger duration 1.07s Trigger effects
Specialized to Red, Black
Resistant Take 25% ~ 20% damage
Clam Cat
Health 10710 Knockback times 2 Speed 8
Production cost 330 Production cooldown 5.87s Attack cooldown 2.0s
Attack cycle 2.7s Attack duration 1.27s Push duration 1.43s
DPS 567 Single range 100 Damage 1530
Trigger duration 0.73s Trigger effects
Specialized to Red, Black
Resistant Take 25% ~ 20% damage
Abilities below will not be affected by curse
Behemoth slayer Deal 250% and take 60% damage, and 5% to be immune for 1.0s
Immune to Knockback