Growth rate: lv2~60: 20%, lv61~80: 10%, lv81~130: 5%
Trixi the Merc
Health 81600 Knockback times 4 Speed 12
Production cost 3900 Production cooldown 91.2s Attack cooldown 0.0s
Attack cycle 0.57s Attack duration 0.53s Push duration 0.03s
DPS sum 7200 Max DPS area 280 Damage sum 4080
DPS 2400 Area 280 Damage 1360
Trigger duration 0.1s Trigger effects Freeze
DPS 2400 Area 280 Damage 1360
Trigger duration 0.1s Trigger effects Freeze
DPS 2400 Area 280 Damage 1360
Trigger duration 0.1s Trigger effects Freeze
Specialized to Alien, Relic, White
Strong Deal 150% ~ 180% damage and take 50% ~ 40% damage
Freeze 50% for 0.33s ~ 0.4s
Abilities below will not be affected by curse
Immune to Warp, Slow, Curse
Trixi the Revenant
Health 102000 Knockback times 4 Speed 12
Production cost 3900 Production cooldown 91.2s Attack cooldown 0.0s
Attack cycle 0.57s Attack duration 0.53s Push duration 0.03s
DPS sum 8550 Max DPS area 280 Damage sum 4845
DPS 2850 Area 280 Damage 1615
Trigger duration 0.1s Trigger effects Freeze
DPS 2850 Area 280 Damage 1615
Trigger duration 0.1s Trigger effects Freeze
DPS 2850 Area 280 Damage 1615
Trigger duration 0.1s Trigger effects Freeze
Specialized to Alien, Relic, White
Strong Deal 150% ~ 180% damage and take 50% ~ 40% damage
Freeze 50% for 0.33s ~ 0.4s
Abilities below will not be affected by curse
Immune to Warp, Slow, Curse