Growth rate: lv2~60: 20%, lv61~80: 10%, lv81~130: 5%
Health 46750 Knockback times 2 Speed 8
Production cost 1050 Production cooldown 17.87s Attack cooldown 5.33s
Attack cycle 7.33s Attack duration 4.87s Push duration 2.47s
DPS 1623 Area 130 Damage 11900
Trigger duration 2.03s Trigger effects
Specialized to Float, Angel, Alien
Dodge 10% to become immune to enemies for 2.0s ~ 2.4s
Abilities below will not be affected by curse
Immune to Warp, Surge
Health 93500 Knockback times 2 Speed 8
Production cost 3300 Production cooldown 71.2s Attack cooldown 5.33s
Attack cycle 7.33s Attack duration 4.87s Push duration 2.47s
DPS 4173 Area 170 Damage 30600
Trigger duration 2.03s Trigger effects Break barrier
Specialized to Float, Angel, Alien
Resistant Take 25% ~ 20% damage
Dodge 10% to become immune to enemies for 2.0s ~ 2.4s
Abilities below will not be affected by curse
Break barrier 100% to break star alien barrier
Immune to Warp, Surge