Growth rate: lv2~60: 20%
Meditation Cat
Health 170 Knockback times 1 Speed
Production cost 750 Production cooldown 157.87s Attack cooldown 6.67s
Attack cycle 7.67s Attack duration 1.93s Push duration 5.73s
DPS 22 Single range 600 Damage 170
Trigger duration 1.03s Trigger effects Knockback
Specialized to Red, Float, Black, Angel, Alien, Zombie, Aku, Relic, Metal
Knockback 100%
Abilities below will not be affected by curse
Immune to Bosswave
Paragon Cat
Health 170 Knockback times 1 Speed
Production cost 750 Production cooldown 157.87s Attack cooldown 6.67s
Attack cycle 7.67s Attack duration 1.93s Push duration 5.73s
DPS 22 Single range 600 Damage 170
Trigger duration 1.03s Trigger effects Knockback
Specialized to Red, Float, Black, Angel, Alien, Zombie, Aku, Relic, Metal
Knockback 100%
Abilities below will not be affected by curse
Immune to Bosswave