Growth rate: lv2~60: 20%, lv61~80: 10%, lv81~130: 5%
Health 8500 Knockback times 5 Speed 4
Production cost 4500 Production cooldown 24.53s Attack cooldown 2.33s
Attack cycle 2.63s Attack duration 1.0s Push duration 1.63s
DPS 968 Single range 140 Damage 2550
Trigger duration 0.33s Trigger effects
Furilan Pasalan
Health 20400 Knockback times 1 Speed 4
Production cost 4500 Production cooldown 324.53s Attack cooldown 17.33s
Attack cycle 18.23s Attack duration 2.13s Push duration 16.1s
DPS 1119 Area 700 Damage 20400
Trigger duration 0.93s Trigger effects Break barrier, Break shield
Abilities below will not be affected by curse
Break barrier 100% to break star alien barrier
Break shield 100% to break aku shield
Ragelan Pasalan
Health 30600 Knockback times 1 Speed 4
Production cost 4500 Production cooldown 324.53s Attack cooldown 13.33s
Attack cycle 14.23s Attack duration 2.13s Push duration 12.1s
DPS sum 2007 Max DPS area 700 Damage sum 28560
DPS 1433 Area 700 Damage 20400
Trigger duration 0.93s Trigger effects Break barrier, Break shield, Mini-surge
DPS 287 Area 550 ~ 1125 Damage 4080
100% mini-surge Trigger effects Break barrier, Break shield
DPS 287 Area 550 ~ 1125 Damage 4080
100% mini-surge Trigger effects Break barrier, Break shield
Abilities below will not be affected by curse
Break barrier 100% to break star alien barrier
Break shield 100% to break aku shield
Mini-surge 100% to produce level 2 mini-surge attack within 800 ~ 1000
Immune to Surge