Elder Mask Doron |
Health |
377774 |
Knockback times |
1 |
Speed |
20 |
Production cost |
1800 |
Production cooldown |
52.53s |
Attack cooldown |
0.0s |
Attack cycle |
4.4s |
Attack duration |
4.37s |
Push duration |
0.03s |
Range |
400 |
Enemy base range |
600 |
DPS sum |
- |
Max DPS area |
150 ~ 600 |
Damage sum |
26418 |
- |
Area |
-1000 ~ 600 |
Damage |
13209 |
Trigger duration |
2.53s |
Trigger effects |
Freeze, Surge |
- |
Area |
150 ~ 1125 |
Damage |
13209 |
100% surge |
Trigger effects |
Freeze |
Specialized to |
Relic |
Freeze |
100% for 5.0s ~ 6.0s |
Abilities below will not be affected by curse |
Surge |
100% to produce level 1 surge attack within 400 ~ 1000 |
Kamikaze |
It dies from its own attack |
Immune to |
Knockback, Warp, Freeze, Slow, Weaken, Curse, Wave, Surge |
Cat Mask Doron |
Health |
377774 |
Knockback times |
1 |
Speed |
20 |
Production cost |
1800 |
Production cooldown |
52.53s |
Attack cooldown |
0.0s |
Attack cycle |
4.4s |
Attack duration |
4.37s |
Push duration |
0.03s |
Range |
400 |
Enemy base range |
600 |
DPS sum |
- |
Max DPS area |
150 ~ 600 |
Damage sum |
75548 |
- |
Area |
-1000 ~ 600 |
Damage |
18887 |
Trigger duration |
2.53s |
Trigger effects |
Freeze, Surge |
- |
Area |
150 ~ 1125 |
Damage |
18887 |
100% surge |
Trigger effects |
Freeze |
- |
Area |
150 ~ 1125 |
Damage |
18887 |
100% surge |
Trigger effects |
Freeze |
- |
Area |
150 ~ 1125 |
Damage |
18887 |
100% surge |
Trigger effects |
Freeze |
Specialized to |
Relic |
Freeze |
100% for 6.67s ~ 8.0s |
Abilities below will not be affected by curse |
Surge |
100% to produce level 3 surge attack within 400 ~ 1000 |
Kamikaze |
It dies from its own attack |
Immune to |
Knockback, Warp, Freeze, Slow, Weaken, Curse, Wave, Surge |
Awakened Doron |
Health |
377774 |
Knockback times |
1 |
Speed |
30 |
Production cost |
1800 |
Production cooldown |
52.53s |
Attack cooldown |
0.0s |
Attack cycle |
4.4s |
Attack duration |
4.37s |
Push duration |
0.03s |
Range |
400 |
Enemy base range |
600 |
DPS sum |
- |
Max DPS area |
150 ~ 600 |
Damage sum |
75548 |
- |
Area |
-1000 ~ 600 |
Damage |
18887 |
Trigger duration |
2.53s |
Trigger effects |
Knockback, Freeze, Surge |
- |
Area |
150 ~ 1125 |
Damage |
18887 |
100% surge |
Trigger effects |
Knockback, Freeze |
- |
Area |
150 ~ 1125 |
Damage |
18887 |
100% surge |
Trigger effects |
Knockback, Freeze |
- |
Area |
150 ~ 1125 |
Damage |
18887 |
100% surge |
Trigger effects |
Knockback, Freeze |
Specialized to |
Relic |
Knockback |
100% |
Freeze |
100% for 6.67s ~ 8.0s |
Abilities below will not be affected by curse |
Colossus slayer |
Deal 160% damage to and take 70% damage from colossus |
Behemoth slayer |
Deal 250% and take 60% damage, and 5% to be immune for 1.0s |
Surge |
100% to produce level 3 surge attack within 400 ~ 1000 |
Kamikaze |
It dies from its own attack |
Immune to |
Knockback, Warp, Freeze, Slow, Weaken, Curse, Wave, Surge |