First-Love Myrcia | |||||
Health | 51000 | Knockback times | 4 | Speed | 10 |
Production cost | 4260 | Production cooldown | 91.2s | Attack cooldown | 5.0s |
Attack cycle | 8.03s | Attack duration | 4.67s | Push duration | 3.37s |
DPS sum | 5396 | Max DPS area | 330 | Damage sum | 43350 |
DPS | 1079 | Area | 330 | Damage | 8670 |
Trigger duration | 2.0s | Trigger effects | - | ||
DPS | 2159 | Area | 330 | Damage | 17340 |
Trigger duration | 1.07s | Trigger effects | Wave | ||
DPS | 2159 | Area | 733 | Damage | 17340 |
100% wave | Trigger effects | ||||
Specialized to | Red, Float | ||||
Dodge | 30% to become immune to enemies for 2.0s ~ 2.4s | ||||
Abilities below will not be affected by curse | |||||
Wave | 100% to produce level 3 wave attack | ||||
First-Love Myrcia ξ | |||||
Health | 68000 | Knockback times | 4 | Speed | 10 |
Production cost | 4260 | Production cooldown | 91.2s | Attack cooldown | 5.0s |
Attack cycle | 8.03s | Attack duration | 4.67s | Push duration | 3.37s |
DPS sum | 7089 | Max DPS area | 330 | Damage sum | 56950 |
DPS | 1418 | Area | 330 | Damage | 11390 |
Trigger duration | 2.0s | Trigger effects | - | ||
DPS | 2836 | Area | 330 | Damage | 22780 |
Trigger duration | 1.07s | Trigger effects | Wave | ||
DPS | 2836 | Area | 733 | Damage | 22780 |
100% wave | Trigger effects | ||||
Specialized to | Red, Float | ||||
Dodge | 30% to become immune to enemies for 2.0s ~ 2.4s | ||||
Abilities below will not be affected by curse | |||||
Wave | 100% to produce level 3 wave attack | ||||
- The Battle Cats Wiki
- にゃんこ大戦争データベース
- My Gamatoto
- Assuming maxed blue orbs, treasures, and legend stages cost