Gacha Cat |
Health |
40500 |
Knockback times |
1 |
Speed |
4 |
Production cost |
1050 |
Production cooldown |
61.2s |
Attack cooldown |
0.0s |
Attack cycle |
0.33s |
Attack duration |
0.3s |
Push duration |
0.03s |
81 |
Single range |
120 |
Damage |
27 |
Trigger duration |
0.03s |
Trigger effects |
Knockback |
Specialized to |
Red, Float, Black, Angel, Alien, Zombie, Aku, Relic, White, Metal |
Knockback |
5% |
Abilities below will not be affected by curse |
Immune to |
Knockback, Warp, Freeze, Slow |
Lucky Gacha Cat |
Health |
40500 |
Knockback times |
1 |
Speed |
4 |
Production cost |
1050 |
Production cooldown |
61.2s |
Attack cooldown |
0.0s |
Attack cycle |
0.33s |
Attack duration |
0.3s |
Push duration |
0.03s |
81 |
Single range |
120 |
Damage |
27 |
Trigger duration |
0.03s |
Trigger effects |
Knockback |
Specialized to |
Red, Float, Black, Angel, Alien, Zombie, Aku, Relic, White, Metal |
Knockback |
5% |
Abilities below will not be affected by curse |
Immune to |
Knockback, Warp, Freeze, Slow |