Master Uril |
Health |
68000 |
Knockback times |
3 |
Speed |
8 |
Production cost |
4050 |
Production cooldown |
111.2s |
Attack cooldown |
3.6s |
Attack cycle |
4.23s |
Attack duration |
1.6s |
Push duration |
2.63s |
DPS sum |
3213 |
Max DPS area |
375 |
Damage sum |
13600 |
803 |
Area |
375 |
Damage |
3400 |
Trigger duration |
0.67s |
Trigger effects |
Slow, Surge |
803 |
Area |
150 ~ 725 |
Damage |
3400 |
100% surge |
Trigger effects |
Slow |
803 |
Area |
150 ~ 725 |
Damage |
3400 |
100% surge |
Trigger effects |
Slow |
803 |
Area |
150 ~ 725 |
Damage |
3400 |
100% surge |
Trigger effects |
Slow |
Specialized to |
Relic |
Slow |
100% for 2.0s ~ 2.4s |
Abilities below will not be affected by curse |
Surge |
100% to produce level 3 surge attack within 400 ~ 600 |
Immune to |
Curse |
Mystic Uril |
Health |
68000 |
Knockback times |
3 |
Speed |
8 |
Production cost |
4050 |
Production cooldown |
111.2s |
Attack cooldown |
3.6s |
Attack cycle |
4.23s |
Attack duration |
1.6s |
Push duration |
2.63s |
DPS sum |
3213 |
Max DPS area |
375 |
Damage sum |
13600 |
803 |
Area |
375 |
Damage |
3400 |
Trigger duration |
0.67s |
Trigger effects |
Slow, Surge |
803 |
Area |
150 ~ 725 |
Damage |
3400 |
100% surge |
Trigger effects |
Slow |
803 |
Area |
150 ~ 725 |
Damage |
3400 |
100% surge |
Trigger effects |
Slow |
803 |
Area |
150 ~ 725 |
Damage |
3400 |
100% surge |
Trigger effects |
Slow |
Specialized to |
Relic |
Slow |
100% for 2.0s ~ 2.4s |
Abilities below will not be affected by curse |
Surge |
100% to produce level 3 surge attack within 400 ~ 600 |
Immune to |
Curse |
Esoteric Uril |
Health |
88400 |
Knockback times |
3 |
Speed |
8 |
Production cost |
4050 |
Production cooldown |
91.2s |
Attack cooldown |
3.6s |
Attack cycle |
4.23s |
Attack duration |
1.6s |
Push duration |
2.63s |
DPS sum |
4819 |
Max DPS area |
405 |
Damage sum |
20400 |
1205 |
Area |
405 |
Damage |
5100 |
Trigger duration |
0.67s |
Trigger effects |
Slow, Curse, Surge |
1205 |
Area |
150 ~ 725 |
Damage |
5100 |
100% surge |
Trigger effects |
Slow, Curse |
1205 |
Area |
150 ~ 725 |
Damage |
5100 |
100% surge |
Trigger effects |
Slow, Curse |
1205 |
Area |
150 ~ 725 |
Damage |
5100 |
100% surge |
Trigger effects |
Slow, Curse |
Specialized to |
Aku, Relic |
Strong |
Deal 150% ~ 180% damage and take 50% ~ 40% damage |
Slow |
100% for 2.0s ~ 2.4s |
Curse |
100% to invalidate specialization for 2.0s ~ 2.4s |
Abilities below will not be affected by curse |
Behemoth slayer |
Deal 250% and take 60% damage, and 5% to be immune for 1.0s |
Surge |
100% to produce level 3 surge attack within 400 ~ 600 |
Immune to |
Curse, Surge |