Growth rate: lv2~60: 20%
Health 8500 Knockback times 5 Speed 4
Production cost 4500 Production cooldown 324.53s Attack cooldown 4.8s
Attack cycle 5.0s Attack duration 1.0s Push duration 4.0s
DPS 510 Single range 140 Damage 2550
Trigger duration 0.23s Trigger effects
Legelan Pasalan
Health 51000 Knockback times 5 Speed 20
Production cost 4500 Production cooldown 124.53s Attack cooldown 0.0s
Attack cycle 3.5s Attack duration 3.47s Push duration 0.03s
Range 300 Enemy base range 300
DPS 12143 Area -700 ~ 300 Damage 42500
Trigger duration 0.17s Trigger effects
Abilities below will not be affected by curse
Immune to Knockback, Warp, Freeze, Slow, Weaken, Wave