Shinji & Cat |
Health |
7650 |
Knockback times |
3 |
Speed |
9 |
Production cost |
375 |
Production cooldown |
21.2s |
Attack cooldown |
2.0s |
Attack cycle |
3.8s |
Attack duration |
2.8s |
Push duration |
1.0s |
DPS sum |
1476 |
Max DPS area |
160 |
Damage sum |
5610 |
492 |
Area |
160 |
Damage |
1870 |
Trigger duration |
1.23s |
Trigger effects |
492 |
Area |
160 |
Damage |
1870 |
Trigger duration |
0.3s |
Trigger effects |
492 |
Area |
160 |
Damage |
1870 |
Trigger duration |
0.3s |
Trigger effects |
Abilities below will not be affected by curse |
Eva angel slayer |
Deal 500% damage to and take 20% damage from eva angels |
Plug Suit Shinji |
Health |
7650 |
Knockback times |
3 |
Speed |
9 |
Production cost |
375 |
Production cooldown |
21.2s |
Attack cooldown |
2.0s |
Attack cycle |
3.8s |
Attack duration |
2.8s |
Push duration |
1.0s |
DPS sum |
1476 |
Max DPS area |
160 |
Damage sum |
5610 |
492 |
Area |
160 |
Damage |
1870 |
Trigger duration |
1.23s |
Trigger effects |
492 |
Area |
160 |
Damage |
1870 |
Trigger duration |
0.3s |
Trigger effects |
492 |
Area |
160 |
Damage |
1870 |
Trigger duration |
0.3s |
Trigger effects |
Abilities below will not be affected by curse |
Eva angel slayer |
Deal 500% damage to and take 20% damage from eva angels |
Plug Suit Shinji Black |
Health |
15300 |
Knockback times |
3 |
Speed |
9 |
Production cost |
375 |
Production cooldown |
21.2s |
Attack cooldown |
2.0s |
Attack cycle |
3.8s |
Attack duration |
2.8s |
Push duration |
1.0s |
DPS sum |
2214 |
Max DPS area |
160 |
Damage sum |
8415 |
738 |
Area |
160 |
Damage |
2805 |
Trigger duration |
1.23s |
Trigger effects |
738 |
Area |
160 |
Damage |
2805 |
Trigger duration |
0.3s |
Trigger effects |
738 |
Area |
160 |
Damage |
2805 |
Trigger duration |
0.3s |
Trigger effects |
Specialized to |
Alien, Zombie |
Resistant |
Take 25% ~ 20% damage |
Abilities below will not be affected by curse |
Zombie killer |
Final blow prevents zombies from reviving |
Eva angel slayer |
Deal 500% damage to and take 20% damage from eva angels |