Growth rate: lv2~60: 20%, lv61~80: 10%, lv81~130: 5%
Health 28050 Knockback times 3 Speed 12
Production cost 3600 Production cooldown 71.2s Attack cooldown 4.27s
Attack cycle 5.57s Attack duration 2.93s Push duration 2.63s
DPS 3207 Area 400 Damage 17850
Trigger duration 1.33s Trigger effects Freeze
Specialized to Angel
Freeze 100% for 3.0s ~ 3.6s
Rider CC
Health 40800 Knockback times 3 Speed 12
Production cost 3600 Production cooldown 71.2s Attack cooldown 4.27s
Attack cycle 5.57s Attack duration 2.93s Push duration 2.63s
DPS 4581 Area 400 Damage 25500
Trigger duration 1.33s Trigger effects Freeze
Specialized to Angel
Freeze 100% for 3.0s ~ 3.6s