Years-End Neneko | |||||
Health | 8500 | Knockback times | 3 | Speed | 5 |
Production cost | 148 | Production cooldown | 57.8s | Attack cooldown | 3.33s |
Attack cycle | 4.23s | Attack duration | 1.87s | Push duration | 2.37s |
DPS | 462 | Area | 220 | Damage | 1700 |
Trigger duration | 0.93s | Trigger effects | Critical strike | ||
Abilities below will not be affected by curse | |||||
Critical strike | 15% to deal 200% damage and ignore metal effect | ||||
New Year Neneko | |||||
Health | 15300 | Knockback times | 3 | Speed | 5 |
Production cost | 148 | Production cooldown | 57.8s | Attack cooldown | 3.33s |
Attack cycle | 4.23s | Attack duration | 1.87s | Push duration | 2.37s |
DPS | 693 | Area | 220 | Damage | 2550 |
Trigger duration | 0.93s | Trigger effects | Critical strike | ||
Abilities below will not be affected by curse | |||||
Critical strike | 15% to deal 200% damage and ignore metal effect | ||||
Festive New Year Neneko | |||||
Health | 15300 | Knockback times | 3 | Speed | 5 |
Production cost | 148 | Production cooldown | 43.0s | Attack cooldown | 3.33s |
Attack cycle | 5.37s | Attack duration | 3.0s | Push duration | 2.37s |
DPS sum | 1639 | Max DPS area | 220 | Damage sum | 7650 |
DPS | 546 | Area | 220 | Damage | 2550 |
Trigger duration | 0.93s | Trigger effects | Critical strike | ||
DPS | 546 | Area | 220 | Damage | 2550 |
Trigger duration | 0.57s | Trigger effects | Critical strike | ||
DPS | 546 | Area | 220 | Damage | 2550 |
Trigger duration | 0.57s | Trigger effects | Critical strike | ||
Abilities below will not be affected by curse | |||||
Critical strike | 15% to deal 200% damage and ignore metal effect | ||||
- The Battle Cats Wiki
- にゃんこ大戦争データベース
- My Gamatoto
- Assuming maxed blue orbs, treasures, and legend stages cost