Growth rate: lv2~60: 20%, lv61~80: 10%, lv81~130: 5%
Health 46750 Knockback times 7 Speed 25
Production cost 4275 Production cooldown 107.87s Attack cooldown 3.93s
Attack cycle 4.97s Attack duration 2.53s Push duration 2.43s
Range 365 Enemy base range 250
DPS 2670 Area 250 ~ 650 Damage 10200
Trigger duration 1.07s Trigger effects Critical strike
Abilities below will not be affected by curse
Critical strike 30% to deal 200% damage and ignore metal effect
Immune to Slow
Oni Hayabusa
Health 46750 Knockback times 7 Speed 25
Production cost 4275 Production cooldown 107.87s Attack cooldown 3.93s
Attack cycle 4.97s Attack duration 2.53s Push duration 2.43s
Range 365 Enemy base range 250
DPS 4107 Area 250 ~ 650 Damage 20400
Trigger duration 1.07s Trigger effects Knockback, Slow
Specialized to Alien
Knockback 50%
Slow 50% for 3.33s ~ 4.0s
Abilities below will not be affected by curse
Immune to Slow
Akuma Hayabusa
Health 46750 Knockback times 7 Speed 25
Production cost 4275 Production cooldown 107.87s Attack cooldown 3.93s
Attack cycle 4.97s Attack duration 2.53s Push duration 2.43s
Range 365 Enemy base range 250
DPS 4107 Area 250 ~ 650 Damage 20400
Trigger duration 1.07s Trigger effects Knockback, Slow
Specialized to Zombie
Knockback 50%
Slow 50% for 3.33s ~ 4.0s
Abilities below will not be affected by curse
Zombie killer Final blow prevents zombies from reviving
Immune to Slow
Specialized to Aku
Break shield Improve rate by 4% ~ 40% by 10 levels
Resistance Reduce curse duration by 16% ~ 70% by 10 levels
Increase Health by 2% ~ 20% by 10 levels
Increase Damage by 2% ~ 20% by 10 levels