Growth rate: lv2~50: 20%
Health 8160 Knockback times 2 Speed 12
Production cost 450 Production cooldown 4.53s Attack cooldown 2.67s
Attack cycle 3.93s Attack duration 2.2s Push duration 1.73s
DPS 346 Area 190 Damage 1360
Trigger duration 1.3s Trigger effects
Abilities below will not be affected by curse
Survive 50% to survive a lethal strike to be knocked back with 1 health
Health 8160 Knockback times 2 Speed 12
Production cost 450 Production cooldown 4.53s Attack cooldown 2.67s
Attack cycle 3.93s Attack duration 2.2s Push duration 1.73s
DPS 346 Area 190 Damage 1360
Trigger duration 1.3s Trigger effects
Abilities below will not be affected by curse
Survive 50% to survive a lethal strike to be knocked back with 1 health