Dioramos |
Health |
93500 |
Knockback times |
2 |
Speed |
4 |
Production cost |
6600 |
Production cooldown |
156.53s |
Attack cooldown |
6.0s |
Attack cycle |
9.43s |
Attack duration |
4.83s |
Push duration |
4.6s |
2424 |
Area |
395 |
Damage |
22865 |
Trigger duration |
3.47s |
Trigger effects |
Knockback, Slow |
Specialized to |
Angel |
Knockback |
50% |
Slow |
50% for 4.0s ~ 4.8s |
Abilities below will not be affected by curse |
Immune to |
Slow |
Archdragon Dioramos |
Health |
139400 |
Knockback times |
2 |
Speed |
4 |
Production cost |
6600 |
Production cooldown |
156.53s |
Attack cooldown |
6.0s |
Attack cycle |
9.43s |
Attack duration |
4.83s |
Push duration |
4.6s |
4731 |
Area |
395 |
Damage |
44625 |
Trigger duration |
3.47s |
Trigger effects |
Knockback, Slow |
Specialized to |
Angel |
Knockback |
50% |
Slow |
50% for 4.0s ~ 4.8s |
Abilities below will not be affected by curse |
Immune to |
Slow |
God-Emperor Dioramos |
Health |
231200 |
Knockback times |
2 |
Speed |
4 |
Production cost |
6600 |
Production cooldown |
156.53s |
Attack cooldown |
6.0s |
Attack cycle |
9.43s |
Attack duration |
5.47s |
Push duration |
3.97s |
6307 |
Area |
410 |
Damage |
59500 |
Trigger duration |
3.47s |
Trigger effects |
Knockback, Slow, Break barrier |
Specialized to |
Angel |
Knockback |
100% |
Slow |
100% for 4.0s ~ 4.8s |
Abilities below will not be affected by curse |
Break barrier |
100% to break star alien barrier |
Immune to |
Slow |
Ascendant Dioramos |
Health |
251600 |
Knockback times |
2 |
Speed |
4 |
Production cost |
6600 |
Production cooldown |
156.53s |
Attack cooldown |
6.0s |
Attack cycle |
10.23s |
Attack duration |
5.8s |
Push duration |
4.43s |
Range |
410 |
Enemy base range |
1 |
DPS sum |
9303 |
Max DPS area |
290 ~ 411 |
Damage sum |
95200 |
5980 |
Area |
1 ~ 411 |
Damage |
61200 |
Trigger duration |
3.47s |
Trigger effects |
Knockback, Slow, Break barrier |
1661 |
Area |
200 ~ 500 |
Damage |
17000 |
Trigger duration |
0.4s |
Trigger effects |
Knockback, Slow, Break barrier |
1661 |
Area |
290 ~ 590 |
Damage |
17000 |
Trigger duration |
0.4s |
Trigger effects |
Knockback, Slow, Break barrier |
Specialized to |
Angel, Alien |
Knockback |
100% |
Slow |
100% for 4.0s ~ 4.8s |
Abilities below will not be affected by curse |
Break barrier |
100% to break star alien barrier |
Immune to |
Slow |
Talents |
Strengthen |
Deal 105% ~ 150% damage when health reached 50% by 10 levels |
Resistance |
Reduce freeze duration by 16% ~ 70% by 10 levels |
Resistance |
Reduce weaken duration by 16% ~ 70% by 10 levels |
Increase |
Health by 2% ~ 20% by 10 levels |
Increase |
Damage by 2% ~ 20% by 10 levels |