Balaluga |
Health |
8500 |
Knockback times |
5 |
Speed |
3 |
Production cost |
4500 |
Production cooldown |
24.53s |
Attack cooldown |
2.33s |
Attack cycle |
2.73s |
Attack duration |
0.83s |
Push duration |
1.9s |
933 |
Single range |
140 |
Damage |
2550 |
Trigger duration |
0.43s |
Trigger effects |
Balalan Pasalan |
Health |
20400 |
Knockback times |
1 |
Speed |
4 |
Production cost |
4500 |
Production cooldown |
324.53s |
Attack cooldown |
13.33s |
Attack cycle |
16.43s |
Attack duration |
5.5s |
Push duration |
10.93s |
11 |
Area |
940 |
Damage |
187 |
Trigger duration |
3.13s |
Trigger effects |
Freeze |
Specialized to |
Red, Float, Black, Angel, Alien, Zombie, Aku, Relic, White, Metal |
Freeze |
100% for 2.33s ~ 2.8s |
Piccolan Pasalan |
Health |
20400 |
Knockback times |
1 |
Speed |
4 |
Production cost |
4500 |
Production cooldown |
324.53s |
Attack cooldown |
13.33s |
Attack cycle |
16.43s |
Attack duration |
5.5s |
Push duration |
10.93s |
11 |
Area |
940 |
Damage |
187 |
Trigger duration |
3.13s |
Trigger effects |
Freeze, Weaken |
Specialized to |
Red, Float, Black, Angel, Alien, Zombie, Aku, Relic, White, Metal |
Freeze |
100% for 3.0s ~ 3.6s |
Weaken |
100% to reduce enemies damage to 50% for 6.0s ~ 7.2s |
Talents |
Survive |
Improve rate by 14% ~ 50% by 10 levels |
Weaken |
Improve duration by 0.1s ~ 1.0s by 10 levels |
Resistance |
Reduce wave damage by 5% ~ 50% by 10 levels |
Resistance |
Reduce surge damage by 5% ~ 50% by 10 levels |
Increase |
Health by 2% ~ 20% by 10 levels |