Growth rate: lv2~50: 20%
Dom Cat
Health 11900 Knockback times 1 Speed 5
Production cost 1440 Production cooldown 5.87s Attack cooldown 0.2s
Attack cycle ? Attack duration ? Push duration ?
DPS sum ? Max DPS area Single Damage sum 2244
DPS ? Single range 210 Damage 748
Trigger duration 0.2s Trigger effects
DPS ? Single range 210 Damage 748
Trigger duration 0.37s Trigger effects
DPS ? Single range 210 Damage 748
Trigger duration 0.37s Trigger effects
Specialized to Red
Strong Deal 150% ~ 180% damage and take 50% ~ 40% damage
Health 11900 Knockback times 1 Speed 5
Production cost 1440 Production cooldown 5.87s Attack cooldown 0.2s
Attack cycle ? Attack duration ? Push duration ?
DPS sum ? Max DPS area Single Damage sum 2244
DPS ? Single range 210 Damage 748
Trigger duration 0.2s Trigger effects
DPS ? Single range 210 Damage 748
Trigger duration 0.37s Trigger effects
DPS ? Single range 210 Damage 748
Trigger duration 0.37s Trigger effects
Specialized to Red
Strong Deal 150% ~ 180% damage and take 50% ~ 40% damage
Dark Lazer
Health 11900 Knockback times 1 Speed 5
Production cost 1440 Production cooldown 5.87s Attack cooldown 0.2s
Attack cycle ? Attack duration ? Push duration ?
DPS ? Single range 210 Damage 2244
Trigger duration 0.2s Trigger effects
Specialized to Red, Black
Strong Deal 150% ~ 180% damage and take 50% ~ 40% damage
Wave 5% ~ 15% to produce level 6 wave attack by 10 levels
Immune to Weaken
Reduce Cost by 30 ~ 300 by 10 levels
Increase Health by 8% ~ 80% by 10 levels
Increase Damage by 8% ~ 80% by 10 levels