Growth rate: lv2~50: 20%
Kung Fu Cat
Health 15300 Knockback times 1 Speed 9
Production cost 2250 Production cooldown 19.87s Attack cooldown 6.67s
Attack cycle ? Attack duration ? Push duration ?
DPS ? Area 300 Damage 18700
Trigger duration 0.37s Trigger effects
Drunken Master Cat
Health 15300 Knockback times 1 Speed 9
Production cost 2250 Production cooldown 19.87s Attack cooldown 5.87s
Attack cycle ? Attack duration ? Push duration ?
DPS sum ? Max DPS area 300 Damage sum 20570
DPS ? Area 300 Damage 4114
Trigger duration 0.37s Trigger effects
DPS ? Area 300 Damage 1020
Trigger duration 0.13s Trigger effects
DPS ? Area 300 Damage 15436
Trigger duration 0.67s Trigger effects
Dancer Cat
Health 15300 Knockback times 1 Speed 9
Production cost 2250 Production cooldown 19.87s Attack cooldown 5.87s
Attack cycle ? Attack duration ? Push duration ?
DPS ? Area 330 Damage 20570
Trigger duration 1.17s Trigger effects
Abilities below will not be affected by curse
Immune to Weaken
Surge 2% ~ 20% to produce level 1 surge attack within 480 ~ 750 by 10 levels
Immune to Freeze
Immune to Wave
Increase Health by 8% ~ 80% by 10 levels
Increase Damage by 8% ~ 80% by 10 levels