Growth rate: lv2~70: 20%, lv71~90: 10%, lv91~130: 5%
Health 3315 Knockback times 4 Speed 9
Production cost 1110 Production cooldown 11.2s Attack cooldown 1.33s
Attack cycle 2.43s Attack duration 1.87s Push duration 0.57s
DPS 685 Single range 340 Damage 1666
Trigger duration 1.13s Trigger effects Slow
Specialized to Black
Slow 20% for 4.0s ~ 4.8s
Yoichi CC
Health 4505 Knockback times 4 Speed 9
Production cost 1110 Production cooldown 11.2s Attack cooldown 1.33s
Attack cycle 2.43s Attack duration 1.87s Push duration 0.57s
DPS 964 Single range 340 Damage 2346
Trigger duration 1.13s Trigger effects Slow
Specialized to Black
Slow 20% for 4.0s ~ 4.8s