Growth rate: lv2~50: 20%
Kaoru Cat
Health 11900 Knockback times 3 Speed 10
Production cost 675 Production cooldown 8.53s Attack cooldown 1.47s
Attack cycle 2.3s Attack duration 1.5s Push duration 0.8s
DPS 887 Single range 220 Damage 2040
Trigger duration 0.87s Trigger effects Weaken
Specialized to Black
Weaken 20% to reduce enemies damage to 50% for 5.0s ~ 6.0s
Dodge 20% to become immune to enemies for 2.0s ~ 2.4s
Swordscat Kaoru
Health 11900 Knockback times 3 Speed 10
Production cost 675 Production cooldown 8.53s Attack cooldown 1.47s
Attack cycle 2.3s Attack duration 1.5s Push duration 0.8s
DPS 887 Single range 220 Damage 2040
Trigger duration 0.87s Trigger effects Weaken
Specialized to Black
Weaken 20% to reduce enemies damage to 50% for 5.0s ~ 6.0s
Dodge 20% to become immune to enemies for 2.0s ~ 2.4s