Growth rate: lv2~50: 20%
Kenshin Cat
Health 11560 Knockback times 2 Speed 10
Production cost 570 Production cooldown 3.87s Attack cooldown 0.0s
Attack cycle 2.2s Attack duration 2.17s Push duration 0.03s
DPS 1623 Single range 155 Damage 3570
Trigger duration 1.03s Trigger effects
Specialized to Red, Alien
Strong Deal 150% ~ 180% damage and take 50% ~ 40% damage
Battosai Cat
Health 11560 Knockback times 2 Speed 10
Production cost 570 Production cooldown 3.87s Attack cooldown 0.0s
Attack cycle 2.2s Attack duration 2.17s Push duration 0.03s
DPS 1623 Single range 155 Damage 3570
Trigger duration 1.03s Trigger effects
Specialized to Red, Alien
Strong Deal 150% ~ 180% damage and take 50% ~ 40% damage