Growth rate: lv2~60: 20%, lv61~80: 10%, lv81~120: 5%
Li'l Yahiko
Health 13600 Knockback times 3 Speed 25
Production cost 975 Production cooldown 19.2s Attack cooldown 0.0s
Attack cycle 4.27s Attack duration 4.23s Push duration 0.03s
DPS 1992 Area 250 Damage 8500
Trigger duration 0.17s Trigger effects
Specialized to Float, Angel
Massive damage Deal 300% ~ 400% damage
Li'l Yahiko CC
Health 17000 Knockback times 3 Speed 25
Production cost 975 Production cooldown 19.2s Attack cooldown 0.0s
Attack cycle 4.27s Attack duration 4.23s Push duration 0.03s
DPS 2391 Area 250 Damage 10200
Trigger duration 0.17s Trigger effects
Specialized to Float, Angel
Massive damage Deal 300% ~ 400% damage