Growth rate: lv2~60: 20%, lv61~80: 10%, lv81~120: 5%
Li'l Kaoru
Health 23800 Knockback times 3 Speed 8
Production cost 1080 Production cooldown 19.87s Attack cooldown 4.33s
Attack cycle 5.57s Attack duration 2.67s Push duration 2.9s
DPS 2749 Area 250 Damage 15300
Trigger duration 1.27s Trigger effects Weaken
Specialized to Float
Weaken 50% to reduce enemies damage to 50% for 6.67s ~ 8.0s
Li'l Kaoru CC
Health 30600 Knockback times 3 Speed 8
Production cost 1080 Production cooldown 19.87s Attack cooldown 4.33s
Attack cycle 5.57s Attack duration 2.67s Push duration 2.9s
DPS 3665 Area 250 Damage 20400
Trigger duration 1.27s Trigger effects Weaken
Specialized to Float
Weaken 50% to reduce enemies damage to 50% for 6.67s ~ 8.0s