Growth rate: lv2~60: 20%, lv61~80: 10%, lv81~130: 5%
Hajime Saito
Health 25500 Knockback times 6 Speed 55
Production cost 3450 Production cooldown 64.53s Attack cooldown 0.0s
Attack cycle 4.37s Attack duration 4.33s Push duration 0.03s
Range 200 Enemy base range 400
DPS 3893 Area -100 ~ 400 Damage 17000
Trigger duration 0.1s Trigger effects Break shield
Specialized to Red, Aku
Massive damage Deal 300% ~ 400% damage
Abilities below will not be affected by curse
Break shield 100% to break aku shield
Hajime Saito CC
Health 34000 Knockback times 6 Speed 55
Production cost 3450 Production cooldown 64.53s Attack cooldown 0.0s
Attack cycle 4.37s Attack duration 4.33s Push duration 0.03s
Range 200 Enemy base range 400
DPS 5061 Area -100 ~ 400 Damage 22100
Trigger duration 0.1s Trigger effects Break shield
Specialized to Red, Aku
Massive damage Deal 300% ~ 400% damage
Abilities below will not be affected by curse
Break shield 100% to break aku shield