Growth rate: lv2~60: 20%, lv61~80: 10%, lv81~130: 5%
Sanosuke Sagara
Health 112200 Knockback times 2 Speed 10
Production cost 4800 Production cooldown 137.87s Attack cooldown 7.33s
Attack cycle 9.73s Attack duration 4.67s Push duration 5.07s
Range 390 Enemy base range 440
DPS 3668 Area -150 ~ 440 Damage 25500
Trigger duration 2.43s Trigger effects Savage blow
Specialized to Zombie
Resistant Take 25% ~ 20% damage
Abilities below will not be affected by curse
Savage blow 20% to deal 300% damage
Zombie killer Final blow prevents zombies from reviving
Immune to Freeze
Sanosuke Sagara CC
Health 149600 Knockback times 2 Speed 10
Production cost 4800 Production cooldown 137.87s Attack cooldown 7.33s
Attack cycle 9.73s Attack duration 4.67s Push duration 5.07s
Range 390 Enemy base range 440
DPS 4890 Area -150 ~ 440 Damage 34000
Trigger duration 2.43s Trigger effects Savage blow
Specialized to Zombie
Resistant Take 25% ~ 20% damage
Abilities below will not be affected by curse
Savage blow 20% to deal 300% damage
Zombie killer Final blow prevents zombies from reviving
Immune to Freeze