Growth rate: lv2~60: 20%, lv61~80: 10%, lv81~130: 5%
Count Yukimura
Health 22950 Knockback times 5 Speed 70
Production cost 3075 Production cooldown 51.2s Attack cooldown 0.0s
Attack cycle 4.57s Attack duration 4.53s Push duration 0.03s
DPS sum 6142 Max DPS area 170 Damage sum 28050
DPS 5584 Area 170 Damage 25500
Trigger duration 0.03s Trigger effects
DPS 558 Area 170 Damage 2550
Trigger duration 0.23s Trigger effects
Specialized to Float
Massive damage Deal 300% ~ 400% damage
Abilities below will not be affected by curse
Survive 30% to survive a lethal strike to be knocked back with 1 health
Nosferatu Yukimura
Health 28900 Knockback times 5 Speed 70
Production cost 3075 Production cooldown 51.2s Attack cooldown 0.0s
Attack cycle 4.57s Attack duration 4.53s Push duration 0.03s
DPS sum 7676 Max DPS area 170 Damage sum 35054
DPS 6980 Area 170 Damage 31875
Trigger duration 0.03s Trigger effects
DPS 696 Area 170 Damage 3179
Trigger duration 0.23s Trigger effects
Specialized to Float
Massive damage Deal 300% ~ 400% damage
Abilities below will not be affected by curse
Survive 30% to survive a lethal strike to be knocked back with 1 health
Vampiric Yukimura
Health 28900 Knockback times 5 Speed 80
Production cost 3075 Production cooldown 51.2s Attack cooldown 0.0s
Attack cycle 4.57s Attack duration 4.53s Push duration 0.03s
DPS sum 8804 Max DPS area 170 Damage sum 40205
DPS 8004 Area 170 Damage 36550
Trigger duration 0.03s Trigger effects
DPS 800 Area 170 Damage 3655
Trigger duration 0.23s Trigger effects
Specialized to Float
Massive damage Deal 300% ~ 400% damage
Abilities below will not be affected by curse
Survive 100% to survive a lethal strike to be knocked back with 1 health