Growth rate: lv2~60: 20%, lv61~80: 10%, lv81~130: 5%
Health 20570 Knockback times 3 Speed 12
Production cost 1125 Production cooldown 17.2s Attack cooldown 5.6s
Attack cycle 8.23s Attack duration 4.5s Push duration 3.73s
Range 250 Enemy base range 250
DPS sum 1487 Max DPS area -250 ~ 250 Damage sum 12240
DPS 372 Area -250 ~ 250 Damage 3060
Trigger duration 2.0s Trigger effects -
DPS 372 Area -350 ~ 350 Damage 3060
Trigger duration 0.33s Trigger effects -
DPS 743 Area -450 ~ 450 Damage 6120
Trigger duration 0.33s Trigger effects Slow
Specialized to Alien, Zombie
Slow 50% for 3.0s ~ 3.6s
Abilities below will not be affected by curse
Zombie killer Final blow prevents zombies from reviving
Colossus slayer Deal 160% damage to and take 70% damage from colossus
Immune to Warp, Slow
Health 49640 Knockback times 3 Speed 12
Production cost 3630 Production cooldown 79.87s Attack cooldown 5.6s
Attack cycle 8.23s Attack duration 4.5s Push duration 3.73s
Range 350 Enemy base range 350
DPS sum 3964 Max DPS area -350 ~ 350 Damage sum 32640
DPS 991 Area -350 ~ 350 Damage 8160
Trigger duration 2.0s Trigger effects -
DPS 991 Area -450 ~ 450 Damage 8160
Trigger duration 0.33s Trigger effects -
DPS 1982 Area -550 ~ 550 Damage 16320
Trigger duration 0.33s Trigger effects Slow, Break barrier
Specialized to Alien, Zombie
Resistant Take 25% ~ 20% damage
Slow 100% for 3.0s ~ 3.6s
Abilities below will not be affected by curse
Break barrier 100% to break star alien barrier
Zombie killer Final blow prevents zombies from reviving
Colossus slayer Deal 160% damage to and take 70% damage from colossus
Immune to Warp, Slow
Health 74460 Knockback times 3 Speed 12
Production cost 3630 Production cooldown 79.87s Attack cooldown 5.6s
Attack cycle 8.23s Attack duration 5.43s Push duration 2.8s
Range 350 Enemy base range 350
DPS sum 4130 Max DPS area -350 ~ 350 Damage sum 34000
DPS 1032 Area -350 ~ 350 Damage 8500
Trigger duration 2.0s Trigger effects -
DPS 1032 Area -450 ~ 450 Damage 8500
Trigger duration 0.33s Trigger effects -
DPS 2065 Area -550 ~ 550 Damage 17000
Trigger duration 0.33s Trigger effects Slow, Break barrier
Specialized to Alien, Zombie
Resistant Take 25% ~ 20% damage
Slow 100% for 4.0s ~ 4.8s
Abilities below will not be affected by curse
Break barrier 100% to break star alien barrier
Zombie killer Final blow prevents zombies from reviving
Colossus slayer Deal 160% damage to and take 70% damage from colossus
Immune to Warp, Slow, Toxic