Growth rate: lv2~60: 20%, lv61~80: 10%, lv81~130: 5%
Health 61200 Knockback times 4 Speed 17
Production cost 4125 Production cooldown 81.2s Attack cooldown 3.73s
Attack cycle 3.83s Attack duration 1.67s Push duration 2.17s
DPS 4657 Area 350 Damage 17850
Trigger duration 0.13s Trigger effects
Specialized to Float
Massive damage Deal 300% ~ 400% damage
Abilities below will not be affected by curse
Strengthen Deal 150% damage when health reached 50%
Sagat CC
Health 61200 Knockback times 4 Speed 17
Production cost 4125 Production cooldown 81.2s Attack cooldown 3.73s
Attack cycle 3.83s Attack duration 1.67s Push duration 2.17s
DPS 4657 Area 350 Damage 17850
Trigger duration 0.13s Trigger effects
Specialized to Float
Massive damage Deal 300% ~ 400% damage
Abilities below will not be affected by curse
Strengthen Deal 150% damage when health reached 50%