Growth rate: lv2~60: 20%, lv61~80: 10%, lv81~130: 5%
Health 38760 Knockback times 2 Speed 8
Production cost 1155 Production cooldown 15.87s Attack cooldown 4.93s
Attack cycle 6.0s Attack duration 3.0s Push duration 3.0s
DPS sum 2153 Max DPS area 150 Damage sum 12920
DPS 1077 Area 150 Damage 6460
Trigger duration 1.1s Trigger effects Wave
DPS 1077 Area 533 Damage 6460
100% wave Trigger effects
Abilities below will not be affected by curse
Wave 100% to produce level 2 wave attack
Immune to Warp, Wave
Health 96390 Knockback times 2 Speed 8
Production cost 3870 Production cooldown 77.87s Attack cooldown 4.93s
Attack cycle 6.0s Attack duration 3.0s Push duration 3.0s
DPS sum 7990 Max DPS area 230 Damage sum 47940
DPS 3995 Area 230 Damage 23970
Trigger duration 1.1s Trigger effects Break barrier, Wave
DPS 3995 Area 733 Damage 23970
100% wave Trigger effects Break barrier
Specialized to Alien
Resistant Take 25% ~ 20% damage
Abilities below will not be affected by curse
Break barrier 100% to break star alien barrier
Wave 100% to produce level 3 wave attack
Immune to Warp, Wave
Health 120190 Knockback times 2 Speed 8
Production cost 3870 Production cooldown 77.87s Attack cooldown 4.93s
Attack cycle 6.0s Attack duration 3.0s Push duration 3.0s
DPS sum 10257 Max DPS area 230 Damage sum 61540
DPS 5128 Area 230 Damage 30770
Trigger duration 1.1s Trigger effects Break barrier, Wave
DPS 5128 Area 933 Damage 30770
100% wave Trigger effects Break barrier
Specialized to Alien
Resistant Take 25% ~ 20% damage
Abilities below will not be affected by curse
Break barrier 100% to break star alien barrier
Wave 100% to produce level 4 wave attack
Immune to Warp, Wave
Specialized to Relic
Immune to Curse
Immune to Knockback
Increase Health by 2% ~ 20% by 10 levels
Increase Damage by 2% ~ 20% by 10 levels