Growth rate: lv2~60: 20%, lv61~80: 10%, lv81~130: 5%
Relentless Gladios
Health 81600 Knockback times 3 Speed 4
Production cost 5625 Production cooldown 154.53s Attack cooldown 7.27s
Attack cycle 9.23s Attack duration 4.73s Push duration 4.5s
DPS 4787 Area 440 Damage 44200
Trigger duration 2.0s Trigger effects Knockback, Slow
Specialized to White
Knockback 50%
Slow 50% for 5.0s ~ 6.0s
Gladios the Annihilator
Health 81600 Knockback times 3 Speed 4
Production cost 5625 Production cooldown 154.53s Attack cooldown 7.27s
Attack cycle 9.23s Attack duration 4.73s Push duration 4.5s
DPS 4787 Area 440 Damage 44200
Trigger duration 2.0s Trigger effects Knockback, Slow
Specialized to White
Knockback 50%
Slow 50% for 5.0s ~ 6.0s
God-Emperor Gladios
Health 122400 Knockback times 3 Speed 4
Production cost 5625 Production cooldown 154.53s Attack cooldown 7.27s
Attack cycle 9.23s Attack duration 4.73s Push duration 4.5s
DPS 4787 Area 440 Damage 44200
Trigger duration 2.0s Trigger effects Knockback, Slow
Specialized to White
Knockback 100%
Slow 100% for 5.0s ~ 6.0s
Mini-wave 5% ~ 50% to produce level 3 mini-wave attack by 10 levels
Survive Improve rate by 10% ~ 100% by 10 levels
Reduce Cost by 75 ~ 750 by 10 levels
Increase Health by 2% ~ 20% by 10 levels
Increase Damage by 2% ~ 20% by 10 levels