Growth rate: lv2~60: 20%, lv61~80: 10%, lv81~130: 5%
Health 17680 Knockback times 4 Speed 9
Production cost 1200 Production cooldown 17.87s Attack cooldown 3.33s
Attack cycle 4.13s Attack duration 1.5s Push duration 2.63s
DPS 2098 Area 350 Damage 8670
Trigger duration 0.83s Trigger effects Weaken
Specialized to Alien, Zombie
Weaken 100% to reduce enemies damage to 50% for 2.0s ~ 2.4s
Abilities below will not be affected by curse
Zombie killer Final blow prevents zombies from reviving
Witch slayer Deal 500% damage to and take 10% damage from witches
Immune to Warp
Nagisa & Cat
Health 42840 Knockback times 6 Speed 12
Production cost 3900 Production cooldown 97.87s Attack cooldown 4.4s
Attack cycle 6.77s Attack duration 4.3s Push duration 2.47s
DPS 5125 Area 450 Damage 34680
Trigger duration 2.4s Trigger effects Weaken
Specialized to Alien, Zombie
Weaken 100% to reduce enemies damage to 50% for 6.0s ~ 7.2s
Abilities below will not be affected by curse
Zombie killer Final blow prevents zombies from reviving
Witch slayer Deal 500% damage to and take 10% damage from witches
Immune to Warp