Growth rate: lv2~60: 20%, lv61~80: 10%, lv81~130: 5%
Health 8500 Knockback times 5 Speed 4
Production cost 4500 Production cooldown 24.53s Attack cooldown 2.33s
Attack cycle 2.73s Attack duration 0.93s Push duration 1.8s
DPS 933 Single range 140 Damage 2550
Trigger duration 0.43s Trigger effects
Nobilan Pasalan
Health 30600 Knockback times 1 Speed 4
Production cost 4500 Production cooldown 324.53s Attack cooldown 9.07s
Attack cycle 14.3s Attack duration 8.33s Push duration 5.97s
Range 500 Enemy base range 400
DPS sum 2853 Max DPS area 400 ~ 1000 Damage sum 40800
DPS 1427 Area 400 ~ 1000 Damage 20400
Trigger duration 1.57s Trigger effects
DPS 1427 Area 400 ~ 1000 Damage 20400
Trigger duration 3.7s Trigger effects
Abilities below will not be affected by curse
Immune to Knockback, Warp, Freeze, Slow, Weaken, Curse, Wave
Mystican Pasalan
Health 30600 Knockback times 1 Speed 4
Production cost 2250 Production cooldown 191.2s Attack cooldown 9.07s
Attack cycle 14.3s Attack duration 8.33s Push duration 5.97s
Range 500 Enemy base range 400
DPS sum 2853 Max DPS area 400 ~ 1000 Damage sum 40800
DPS 1427 Area 400 ~ 1000 Damage 20400
Trigger duration 1.57s Trigger effects
DPS 1427 Area 400 ~ 1000 Damage 20400
Trigger duration 3.7s Trigger effects
Abilities below will not be affected by curse
Immune to Knockback, Warp, Freeze, Slow, Weaken, Curse, Wave
Talents against Relic
Strong Deal 150% ~ 180% damage and take 50% ~ 40% damage
Survive Improve rate by 10% ~ 100% by 10 levels
Immune to Toxic
Increase Health by 2% ~ 20% by 10 levels
Increase Damage by 2% ~ 20% by 10 levels