Growth rate: lv2~60: 20%, lv61~80: 10%, lv81~130: 5%
Health 61200 Knockback times 2 Speed 5
Production cost 6300 Production cooldown 151.2s Attack cooldown 8.33s
Attack cycle 9.57s Attack duration 2.17s Push duration 7.4s
DPS 3849 Area 460 Damage 36822
Trigger duration 1.27s Trigger effects Knockback, Slow
Specialized to Alien
Knockback 50%
Slow 50% for 5.0s ~ 6.0s
Health 76500 Knockback times 2 Speed 5
Production cost 6300 Production cooldown 151.2s Attack cooldown 8.33s
Attack cycle 9.57s Attack duration 2.17s Push duration 7.4s
DPS 4737 Area 460 Damage 45322
Trigger duration 1.27s Trigger effects Knockback, Slow
Specialized to Alien
Knockback 50%
Slow 50% for 5.0s ~ 6.0s
Health 137700 Knockback times 2 Speed 5
Production cost 6300 Production cooldown 151.2s Attack cooldown 8.33s
Attack cycle 9.57s Attack duration 2.17s Push duration 7.4s
DPS sum 9475 Max DPS area 460 Damage sum 90644
DPS 4737 Area 460 Damage 45322
Trigger duration 1.27s Trigger effects Knockback, Slow, Break barrier, Surge
DPS 4737 Area 150 ~ 825 Damage 45322
100% surge Trigger effects Knockback, Slow, Break barrier
Specialized to Alien
Knockback 50%
Slow 50% for 5.0s ~ 6.0s
Abilities below will not be affected by curse
Break barrier 100% to break star alien barrier
Surge 100% to produce level 1 surge attack within 400 ~ 700