Growth rate: lv2~60: 20%, lv61~80: 10%, lv81~130: 5%
Uesugi Kenshin
Health 47260 Knockback times 3 Speed 13
Production cost 5475 Production cooldown 144.53s Attack cooldown 3.67s
Attack cycle 4.83s Attack duration 2.9s Push duration 1.93s
DPS 3359 Area 405 Damage 16235
Trigger duration 1.2s Trigger effects Knockback
Specialized to Black
Strong Deal 150% ~ 180% damage and take 50% ~ 40% damage
Knockback 100%
Wargod Kenshin
Health 56780 Knockback times 3 Speed 13
Production cost 5475 Production cooldown 144.53s Attack cooldown 3.67s
Attack cycle 4.83s Attack duration 2.9s Push duration 1.93s
DPS 5705 Area 405 Damage 27574
Trigger duration 1.2s Trigger effects Knockback
Specialized to Black
Strong Deal 150% ~ 180% damage and take 50% ~ 40% damage
Knockback 100%
Immortal Kenshin
Health 75820 Knockback times 3 Speed 18
Production cost 5475 Production cooldown 144.53s Attack cooldown 3.13s
Attack cycle 4.3s Attack duration 2.9s Push duration 1.4s
DPS 6413 Area 405 Damage 27574
Trigger duration 1.2s Trigger effects Knockback
Specialized to Black
Strong Deal 150% ~ 180% damage and take 50% ~ 40% damage
Knockback 100%
Hellrider Kenshin
Health 85000 Knockback times 3 Speed 18
Production cost 5475 Production cooldown 131.2s Attack cooldown 3.13s
Attack cycle 4.3s Attack duration 2.9s Push duration 1.4s
DPS sum 7695 Max DPS area 445 Damage sum 33089
DPS 6413 Area 445 Damage 27574
Trigger duration 1.2s Trigger effects Knockback, Mini-wave
DPS 1283 Area 933 Damage 5515
100% mini-wave Trigger effects Knockback
Specialized to Black
Strong Deal 150% ~ 180% damage and take 50% ~ 40% damage
Knockback 100%
Abilities below will not be affected by curse
Mini-wave 100% to produce level 4 mini-wave attack
Specialized to Relic
Immune to Curse
Resistance Reduce weaken duration by 16% ~ 70% by 10 levels
Increase Health by 2% ~ 20% by 10 levels
Increase Damage by 2% ~ 20% by 10 levels