Growth rate: lv2~70: 20%, lv71~90: 10%, lv91~130: 5%
Health 6664 Knockback times 3 Speed 9
Production cost 435 Production cooldown 3.87s Attack cooldown 1.33s
Attack cycle 2.17s Attack duration 1.87s Push duration 0.3s
DPS 369 Single range 200 Damage 799
Trigger duration 0.87s Trigger effects Slow
Specialized to Red
Slow 20% for 4.0s ~ 4.8s
Celesse CC
Health 9044 Knockback times 3 Speed 9
Production cost 435 Production cooldown 3.87s Attack cooldown 1.33s
Attack cycle 2.17s Attack duration 1.87s Push duration 0.3s
DPS 690 Single range 200 Damage 1496
Trigger duration 0.87s Trigger effects Slow
Specialized to Red
Slow 20% for 4.0s ~ 4.8s